Based upon the continued success of the 2019 Easy Doesn't launch and its ongoing expressions, refresh the campaign in 2021 by expanding it to reach new “Active Adventurer” and "Gear Enthusiast" consumer segments, and to showcase new product launches.
Coming out of a pandemic, consumers have become more aware of providing for their families. We have their attention – now, more than ever. The more we can help people stay connected to communities, to passions, to learning, to like-minded people, to the thoughts and ideas, the more that we’re going to increase brand awareness and generate more affinity with the targeted consumer segments.
Expand on the original Easy Doesn't campaign, told through the brand's POV, by launches leveraging additional voices to democratize and amplify the message. Tell it through the narratives, expertise and authenticity of the brand "badassadors" and explore new storytelling visuals and formats to express them.
In a shift of the campaign voice, we created narratives told from brand ambassadors’ POVs to show how they embody the Easy Doesn’t ethos, resulting in content utilizing illustrations from artist Ed Anderson, animated text chains, activations and long form copy that evoke oral storytelling traditions. Additionally, a new anthem video and evergreen product demo video reflected AND updated the established Easy Doesn’t campaign aesthetic.
Activations engaged fans of both the brand and “badassadors,” video and still content was leveraged across social channels and digital (with more than 50% increase in blog traffic and positive engagement during live streams), and badassadors enthusiastically shared their stories to bestow added authenticity to the Easy Doesn’t narrative. The campaign's notable achievements include:
• Reaching over 1.5 million users on Facebook with a 30% below average Cost per Click to the Gerber Website
• Reaching a core audience of Outdoor Providers and Active Adventurers though a select group of direct partners
• Utilizing YouTube as an effective platform to influence brand interest.
PR & Seeding Kits
Let Me B Energized